I was very happy. My girlfriend and I had been dating for over a year and decided to get married.
My parents helped us in all the possible ways, my friends supported me, and my girlfriend was a dream.
There was only one thing that annoyed me very much, and this was her best friend;
she was intelligent and sexy, and sometimes flirted me, and this really scared me.
One day, my girlfriend´s best friend phoned me and asked me to go to her house
to help her with the list of guests to my wedding party, so I went there.
She was alone, and when I arrived she whispered to me saying that since I was gonna marry her best friend,
and taking into consideration that she had certain feelings and desires towards me that she couldn´t hold any more,
she wanted to make love to me only once before I got married and commited my life with her best friend.
What could I say? I was totally in shock and couldn´t pronounce a word.
So she said to me: "I will go to my room, and if you want, walk in and you will have me."
I admired her buttom while she rocked up the stairs.
I stood up from the chair and stayed still for a while.
I turned around and walked to the main door, opened it and walked out to the street.
My girlfriend was outside and with tears in her eyes she held me and said:
"I am very happy and proud of you. You have approved my little exam.
I couldn´t have a better man as my husband"!!!!
The Moral: "Always leave the condoms inside the car"!!!!