TP xx20 Stock Bios Modding/ Coreboot für IVB Support


New member
15 Aug. 2016
I apologize for posting this in English, but I figured this would be more understandable than trying to translate my text from Google. Did anyone ever get Ivy Bridge working on the T420 BIOS? There are some posts earlier in this thread which talk about it and issues with testing, but nothing else since.

If I understand, the main change in the BIOS is adding the HD4000 graphics switch statement, and possibly adding microcodes for the Ivy Bridge processors. I would try to do this on my own using the new 1.48 BIOS, but I am not even sure where to start, or what tools are used. I would prefer the original BIOS over trying to fight with compiling Coreboot/Seabios.

Thank you anyone who can understand this, and any future replies. I'd post on English forums, but only you guys seem to care enough about older Thinkpads to actually work on modding BIOSes for them.

Ob LTE oder UMTS spielt keine Rolle, angeblich wird gar keine miniPCIe WWAN Karte unterstützt, unabhängig vom Mobilfunkstandard. Daher einfach "irgendeine" nehmen und gucken, ob's funktioniert oder nicht.
Oh, ok. Dann probiere ich nachher mal eine von meinen vorhandenen aus.
Ich habe gestern mal eine rumliegende Gobi2000 in den T520 eingebaut, bin aber auf halbem Weg stecken geblieben. Die Karte wird als USB-Gerät erkannt und der gobi-loader kann auch die Firmware laden und richtet die Devices ein, ich kann allerdings keine WWAN-Verbindung anlegen. Ob das jetzt an meinem Unvermögen liegt die Geschichte zu konfigurieren, ob die Karte eine Macke hat oder ob Coreboot da einen Riegel vorschiebt kann ich also nicht sagen.

Wenn ich am Wochenende Zeit finde, werde ich mal die Karte aus dem X220 rausnehmen und einbauen, bei der weiß ich, dass sie prinzipiell funktioniert.
Ich verwende Xubuntu 16.04. Habe im T530 noch eine Gobi 3000 die ähnliche Symptome zeigt - da werde ich heute/morgen mal den Link durcharbeiten.
Habs gerade nochmal getestet.
Es funktioniert so halb: Die Aufforderung zur Pineingabe erfolgt, aber danach ist Schluss, weil der Treiber nicht geladen wird ...

T: Bus=02 Lev=02 Prnt=02 Port=03 Cnt=01 Dev#= 6 Spd=480 MxCh= 0
D: Ver= 2.00 Cls=ef(misc ) Sub=02 Prot=01 MxPS=64 #Cfgs= 2
P: Vendor=1199 ProdID=9013 Rev=00.02
S: Manufacturer=Sierra Wireless Inc
S: Product=Sierra Wireless MC8355 - Gobi 3000(TM) Module
C: #Ifs= 5 Cfg#= 2 Atr=e0 MxPwr=500mA
I: If#= 1 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=ff Prot=ff Driver=(none)
I: If#= 2 Alt= 0 #EPs= 3 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=ff Prot=ff Driver=(none)
I: If#= 3 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=ff Prot=ff Driver=(none)
I: If#= 5 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=02(commc) Sub=0e Prot=00 Driver=cdc_mbim
I: If#= 6 Alt= 1 #EPs= 2 Cls=0a(data ) Sub=00 Prot=02 Driver=cdc_mbim
Ich habe (noch) kein Coreboot. Es ging darum zu zeigen, wie es mit normalem BIOS aussieht
Wenn die Karte vom System erkannt wird und die Firmware geladen werden kann, hat Coreboot da eigentlich nicht mehr viel zu melden.
Hello florio

I have started to look at the issue. i915lightup_ivy from coreboot could tell us what we need to change into a working sainitdxe. See

However I can not find sainitdxe in 01C8000.FL1 from Lenovo_ThinkPad_T420_83ET76WW-83uj28us_NWL_LEN21_ADV_RAM_Speedo_AES_vBios-2170 using UEFItools

I can only find SaInitPeim and SaInitPeimCrisis. I tried to look at the other file referenced here from but it has been deleted.

Can you tell me which file you are using, and where I can download it?
Hi charlotteplusplus
SainitDxe has guid DE23ACEE-CF55-4FB6AA77-984AB53DE811, you can easily find it searching for hex pattern 24 56 42 ( => VBT ) with UEFITool.Screenshot from 2016-11-02 23:10:43.png
Ich habe mal noch ein bisschen weiter experimentiert. Das ganze Problem tritt nur unter Windows auf. Unter Linux kann ich auch mit dem neuen VBIOS alle Bildschirmausgänge benutzen. Das heißt das VBIOS und alle BIOS-Einstellungen sind korrekt.

Deshalb habe ich ein Treiberproblem vermutet. Aber auch eine saubere Neuinstallation von Windows hat nicht geholfen. Interessant fand ich allerdings noch, dass der Microsoft-Basic-Display-Driver mit dem neuen VBIOS besser klar kommt. Das soll heißen es funktionieren auch andere Bildschirmauflösungen als 1024*768.

Ich vermute, dass im neuen VBIOS irgendein Teil der Kommunikation angepasst wurde, was allerdings nie in die Inteltreiber eingepflegt wurde (ich habe es auch mit den Treibern von der Intel-Website erfolglos probiert)
Kann von euch jemand das Problem reproduzieren?
Bzw habt ihr eine Idee, wo man einen funktionierenden Treiber herbekommt?

P.S. ich habe einen i7 2720 qm.

I have uploaded my build for T420 to use IVYBRIDGE CPU, if anyone want to try. ... iRE9qJbwQa

There are 10 roms with different MAC addresses (gbe.bin) for sandybridge and another 10 for ivybridge (I tried to link vgabios, but does not work. So I build two sets). The reason for having 10 different MAC addresses is if you have several laptops plugged into the same router, you need different MAC addresses.

Some features:

1. Support Sandybridge and Ivybridge CPUs (I tested i7-3xxx QM) (by changing the vgabios name code)
2. No whitelist you can use any wireless card
3. Unlock RAM speed to 1866 (due to chipset limit 1866 is the highest)
4. Works with Windows 7,8,10, linux (Seabios)
5. Works for both t420 (with/without Nvdia graphics card)
6. Updated vgabios to newest 2170 version
7. Removed useless intel management engine (AMT)(Replaced 5MB ME region with 1.5MB ME)
8. Have 10 MAC address you can choose
Hi Coreboot, thanks for your work. How is power consumption with your build?
Hi charlotteplusplus
SainitDxe has guid DE23ACEE-CF55-4FB6AA77-984AB53DE811, you can easily find it searching for hex pattern 24 56 42 ( => VBT ) with UEFITool.


I have ported coreboot to the W520, but my current result is not perfect yet (memory issues, power consumption a full 10W higher!!) even if it works decently. I think it would be better for end users to have a modded bios with HD4000 initialization, so I will work on that. The same process that works on the T420 should work on the W520, as we are only concerned with CPU upgrade, so microcode and video bios, so I could test that. But first I need the files!!

Florio, in which bios are you finding that GUID? I am using the FL1 from the T420 1.46 bios that was published here with UEFITool and there is no such GUID. The MD5 sum of the FL1 is a8e0771d2733b9a262554ba7ab4793e6

Can you please send me a private message with the 2 bioses (20, 30) or even better, just the 2 SaInit files? Also, can I join your T420 bios group?

I think having both SNB and IVB initialization in the bios is the best idea. For the problem of free space, to be able fit everything into the modded bios, a simple solution is to make the Intel ME smaller.

You will have to reconstruct the full rom image, using ifdtool (or equivalent). You will have to flash with a hardware flasher the first time you do that because IFD and ME are software protected.

Instead of the default IFD table that leaves very little space for the bios:
Flash Region 0 (Flash Descriptor): 00000000 - 00000fff
Flash Region 1 (BIOS): 00500000 - 007fffff
Flash Region 2 (Intel ME): 00003000 - 004fffff
Flash Region 3 (GbE): 00001000 - 00002fff
Flash Region 4 (Platform Data): 00fff000 - 00000fff (unused)

Use the following IFD table:
00000000:00000fff fd
00180000:007fffff bios
00003000:0017ffff me
00001000:00002fff gbe

And the following smaller Intel ME image:

This leave an extra 3Mb free for the bios, which should be more than enough to fit everything we need.

Try to do it first without changing the bios, to see if you can boot fine. Then you can change the bios to take advantage of the extra free space between 00180000 and 00500000. You may have to specify the offsets or the size manually. Then you will have to put a non critical module in these offset (ex: SLIC) to make sure the bios can access this zone. Then we can start the actual work.

florio, have you tried putting in a T420 image the SaInitDxe.efi from a T430 image?

What is the result? If it works on your Sandy Bridge, it is a good first step. If the size was the problem before, with the small ME it should not be a problem anymore.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Was this ever figured out or is Coreboot still the only option?
Es tut mir wirklich leid, dass ich das wieder stoße, aber was ist hier passiert für das Team, das den Aktienbios mod untersucht hat? Es ging seltsam still.

^I apologize if this translated terribly, I do not know German and had to use Google.

Original below:Really sorry for bumping this again, but what happened here to the team that was investigating the stock bios mod? It went oddly silent.
Did anyone ever figure out how to get this working with the original BIOS, not Coreboot?

- how possible would it be to "replant" sainitdxe DE23ACEE-CF55-4FB6-AA77-984AB53DE811 as a whole from T430 bios into T420 bios?
- bios mods thread also mentions ivbgop and snbgop - is it possible to copy them too?..
I don't know much about it but if this is anything to go by, sainitdxe seems to include code related to
- "Intel System Agent" with its ACPI
- PCI Express
- graphics
so it seems as if it might be worth a try to use T430 code for all of these on a T420 fitted with an IvyBridge CPU..
My personal interest is T520 though :)


Aha, it seems this is exactly what charlotteplusplus was suggesting in 2016, and she was doing it with more details. It seems the first step would be have two bioses at hand, one for T520 and one for T530 ideally with whatever that v2170 vbios is already planted..
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