T4xx (T400-450 ohne "T440s/T450s") Problem mit Lenovo Service in Japan


New member
2 Apr. 2011
ich habe ein Problem mit dem Lenovo Service in Japan. Ich habe soeben den angehaengten Post im lenovo Forum gepostet.

Falls ihr weitere Vorschlaege haettet wie ich die Situation loesen kann waere ich dankbar!

Vielen Dank,


Dear Lenovo community,
I am in need of some help regarding my broken Thinkpad T410s.

I bought the laptop in Germany but I am currently in Japan. I purchased the 5-year worldwide extended onsite warranty but have run into problems getting my laptop repaired. The warranty is valid until 2016-12-22. My dealings with Lenovo Japan – 7 weeks without a repair - are below what I have come to expect from Lenovo.

The soundchip on the motherboard failed. It cuts out randomly. I need the laptop for Skype calls with my collaboration partners. So the sound chip is an essential part for me. It is rather embarrasing being in an international call and ending it abruptly since your soundchip failed.

I opened an electronic support ticket (ESC+) just to have it closed and asked to call a Japanese phone number (+81 120-053-600). The Lenovo Japan support line does not, contrary to my expectations, provide support in English. So for every call I have to get an interpreter. This significant inconvenience and oddity for an international company could be managed if their support was more forth coming.

I called Lenovo Japan on September 7th. With the help of an interpreter we verified that it is indeed a hardware defect and that my laptop is eligible for repair. The repair was scheduled for September 9th since I was scheduled to fly out on a business trip on the 10th. The ticket number issued by Lenovo Japan is 800-5611218.

Instead of the expected technician with the needed spare parts (the mainboard) a courier asking to pick up machine to send it in for repair. Since I rely on the machine for my work I refused.

Calling Lenovo Japan I was told for onsite repair they have to order the required mainboard and would get back to me. They estimated 2 weeks from September 9th for the mainboard to arrive and stated that they would schedule the repair as soon as the mainboard did so.

The estimated 2 weeks passed and Lenovo Japan did not care to contact me. So I called again, using an interpreter, on October 2nd. I was told that the mainboard has been delayed and they asked for my patience.

Again Lenovo Japan did not care to get back to me so I called again today, October 27th. This is 7 weeks(!) after my initial service request, 5 weeks(!) after the estimated arrival of the spare parts.

I was told that they would repair my laptop when the mainboard arrives and they do not know how long it may take for it to arrive.

I was told that if the mainboard never arrives, they would never repair my laptop.

I was also told that the 24h response time is only a goal to which they
are not bound.

Had I send the laptop in for repair Lenovo would have kept it for whatever the mainboard needs to arrive (at least 7 weeks and counting) without providing a replacement machine.

After 7 weeks Lenovo Japan is obviously not capable of repairing my laptop and I am asking for your help. I would like to investigate how I can simply obtain a replacement laptop at this stage.
I am happy to provide any details such as the serial number of my laptop by email.

Please understand how difficult it is to convey all the required technical terms and definitions with the help of an interpreter.

I can't express my dissatisfaction about this level of service by Lenovo. Especially since my previous experiences in the past 10 years in several European countries has been excellent. As part of the Lenovo network does the behaviour of Lenovo Japan meet the standards you would expect?

Thank you very much for your help!

Kind regards,

Sollte Lenovo keine Austauschboards mehr haben, wird es auch mit einer 5-Jahres-Garantie schwierig.
Na dann sollten sie mal besser ein Austauschangebot machen anstatt langwierig alle Lager zu durchsuchen, oder? ;)
Sollte Lenovo keine Austauschboards mehr haben, wird es auch mit einer 5-Jahres-Garantie schwierig.

Das kann aber doch nicht in ihrem Interesse sein. Die Altenative wäre ja dann wirklich ein Austauschgerät und das kommt Lenovo sicher teurer. Wenn ich schon 5 Jahre Garantie verkaufe, dann sollten die Ersatzteile doch auch so lange verfügbar sein.
Nicht wirklich, wenn man bedenkt wie viele verschiedene Mainboard Konfigurationen es gibt. Man muss sich immer bewusst sein, so Mainboard auf Lager ist totes Kapital.

Insofern kommt ein Austauschgerät, wie es in dem Fall angebracht ist, Lenovo am Ende vielleicht sogar günstiger, als alle möglichen Mainboards auf Lager zu legen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Nur dazu muss man erst einmal zum nächsten Support-Level durchkommen.
  • ok1.de
  • ok2.de
  • thinkstore24.de
  • Preiswerte-IT - Gebrauchte Lenovo Notebooks kaufen

