are the Thinkpad laptop from the Luxnote good or not?

It is worth noting that you are asking for experiences for different shops. So of course you are basically getting anecdotal evidence only. But I'm sure you know that.

Whatever happens, whether you order here or there you should receive a good model because you are in a foreign country. Or to play the devil's advocate, one might want to send you some subpar model because you are in a foreign country and thus would have to pay more to send it back... :D I doubt that though. But unrelated to your order, the shipping is certainly going to take its toll as well.

Considering price differencies in the online shops you visit: sometimes they charge a little (and warranted) premium for investing some extra care to prepare the used Thinkpads for reselling. Some customers might argue the extra isn't justified but in the end, it's always a small percentage that cries foul the loudest. Also do mind that often the users on here recommend the same shops, either they had 3 out of 4 good experiences with them or they are friends with the respective owners. But will that ever change... :)
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