Ja, save habe ich gedrückt, dann kommt auch die Meldung erfolgreich gespeichert.
Hab mir jetzt die Werte per Hand in die rc.local eingetragen.
Sieht jetzt so aus:
echo 20 > /sys/devices/platform/smapi/BAT0/start_charge_thresh
echo 90 > /sys/devices/platform/smapi/BAT0/stop_charge_thresh
echo 'disable' > /proc/acpi/ibm/wan
echo 'disable' > /proc/acpi/ibm/bluetooth
echo -n 195 > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/serio2/sensitivity
echo -n 140 > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/serio2/speed
exit 0
Warum das beim Neustart ohne rc.local nicht funktioniert ?
# /etc/sysfs.conf - Configuration file for setting sysfs attributes.
# The sysfs mount directory is automatically prepended to the attribute paths.
# Syntax:
# attribute = value
# mode attribute = 0600 # (any valid argument for chmod)
# owner attribute = root:wheel # (any valid argument for chown)
# Examples:
# Always use the powersave CPU frequency governor
# devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor = powersave
# Use userspace CPU frequency governor and set initial speed
# devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor = userspace
# devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_setspeed = 600000
# Set permissions of suspend control file
# mode power/state = 0660
# owner power/state = root
