T440s T440s fix invalid messages error


New member
17 Okt. 2017

recently i got a lenovo t440s with svp,i reprogrammed MEC1633L,bios password was cleaned succefully,but i got invalid messages [emoji20]
how can i solve this?20180409_150423.jpg

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You have du reprogramm an insert: Machine Type, Serial-Number, UUID and set the Clock.
Also this Question, does this Notebookvhave a NFC Feature?
Should not be the main problem. It only could be, that you have to fix another adress after fixing the written things ;)
Please search for a tool/flash-utility which can add the missing numbers into the bios/uefi, because without you will ever get this notices.

Edit: The Clock you can set in BIOS if you can come in, or in Windows, that is not a real problem and the T440 should also work with wrong date and time ;)
Should not be the main problem. It only could be, that you have to fix another adress after fixing the written things ;)
Please search for a tool/flash-utility which can add the missing numbers into the bios/uefi, because without you will ever get this notices.

Edit: The Clock you can set in BIOS if you can come in, or in Windows, that is not a real problem and the T440 should also work with wrong date and time ;)
I tried to search for a tool that can edit bios file and flash but i didn't get success, could you help me to find it out?

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My be uefi winflash coming with oficial bios flash file?

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I would say that could work, but it has to be used with the command line and a few options. (view the help-part of the tool; mostly an ? or -? in the command line after the exe-file)
I am not the specialist for flashing thinkpads, but those problems on desktop hardware could be fixed like this with options, or I had to usw Intel FPT (Firmware Programming Tool). FPT is not a simple tool and maybe not that easy to find.
It is a very good tool to reprogramm everything, but the version of FPT has to match with ther firmware you would like to flash, so you need a specialist who can say what version is needed.

I am sorry that I cannot help further.
I would say that could work, but it has to be used with the command line and a few options. (view the help-part of the tool; mostly an ? or -? in the command line after the exe-file)
I am not the specialist for flashing thinkpads, but those problems on desktop hardware could be fixed like this with options, or I had to usw Intel FPT (Firmware Programming Tool). FPT is not a simple tool and maybe not that easy to find.
It is a very good tool to reprogramm everything, but the version of FPT has to match with ther firmware you would like to flash, so you need a specialist who can say what version is needed.

I am sorry that I cannot help further.
Thanks bro for your interested posts, i faced problems to run commands using winflash64, i must try all.
I'll keep trying.

Best regards

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