t21 eeprom 0175 bad CRC1

Welcome to our forum.

The problem is: this error often mentioned in connection with a BIOS-password.
We in our forum give _no_ help removing BIOS passwords because this could result into trouble for our board sponsor.

Sorry for that!
Ich glaube, Du bist auf dem Holzweg:
Der Error 0175, Bad CRC ist der typische Fehler der t20-22 und A2*, wenn beim Einschalten Müll ins Eeprom geschrieben wird - Ursache ist oft ein defekter oder leerer Systemakku.

Entweder tauscht man es aus oder beschreibt ihn neu mit einem Dump-File.

Welcome to our Forum, zole.
Do you want to write the added dump-file into the eeprom by yourself?
My apologies @ zole...

I was wrong.
As Mornsgrans said: Replace the EEPROM or rewrite it
Maybe the user laptop_heaven can help you. If i'm right, he rewrote the eeproms of A21p several times a couple of years ago.

Annother possibility is to ask your question there: http://forum.thinkpads.com/

The Error 0175, Bad CRC1 in many cases is caused by empty or damaged system-batteries. In that cases while turning on the computer wrong informations will be written into the eeprom. The BIOS update 1.14 will fix the problem after repair or before damage.
That's write Mornsgrans it's' exactly how it happen, its not the pass because i never put any there. Junk batteries i guess...
But how to fix checksum in bin dump?

ok tnx for fast respond.
@zole: ...that is if you want to spend money on this machine. The prices are tumbling down faster as one might believe.
If you have another T2x keep the one with the buggy BIOS for spare parts ;)
instead of fixing checksum
(information and tools are googleable or you can learn it from different dumps genereted by use of a hmd;)
you can take the easier way and write a compatible dump,
try the T22 dump, i am rather sure it doesnt matter whether its a T21 or T22 dump ,
but if really necessary i could also read a 2647-9dg
Thanks guys for help bot i think I fried my motherboard...
Solderings caused a bad contact between chip.
Now i got black screen:( No luck i guess..
Anyway I appreciate yours help, tnx
zole' schrieb:
Now i got black screen:( No luck i guess..
A loose solder contact of the Atmel-chip pins can cause this Problem, too. My T22 once had the same problem. After resoldering the unsoldered Atmel-chip pin the T22 worked fine again.
after removing solder scrap you can nevertheless try it agin,
if you can read a dump and get "something" of expected filesize you should instantly write 2647m3u.bin

btw any gnd will do, unnecessary to solder at pin6,
sda can be connected by slinging a thin wire around the leg (small chance loosing contact during write cycle!)

good luck and regards tom_k
tom_k: thanks a lot for the t22 dump. In our case, we had 16 zero bytes in some spot where your dump had data, so I guess that's where it got corrupted. No more 175 error!
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