T4xx (T400-450 ohne "T440s/T450s") Debugging-Thread FHD-Mod T420/T430 non-s


Active member
7 Feb. 2010
English version below!

Geht um den Flicker-Bug der bei einigen T420/T430 mit FHD-Mod auftritt.

Tommy hat Javi-Jie vorgeschlagen, dass einigen elektrotechnisch firmen Usern aus diesem Forum die Platine schon mal zugeschickt werden kann, damit gemeinsam am Debugging gearbeitet werden kann.

Deswegen werden User aus der Sammelbestellung gesucht, die ein sehr gutes Verständnis von Schaltplänen, Elektrotechnik im Allgemeinen und vor allem von Abschirmung haben!
Bedenkt bitte: Der Bug ist nicht Platinenabhängig sondern Geräteabhängig, d.h. wenn ihr mehrere Geräte zum Testen hättet, wäre es auch von Vorteil.

Also: Wer von euch kommt in Frage!? Bitte hier in diesem Thread kurz "bewerben" und erklären, warum ihr geeignet seid, um beim Debugging mitzumachen.

Aus Rücksicht auf Tommy & Javie-Jie bitte ich übrigens außerdem darum, dass dieser Thread komplett in Englisch abgehalten wird!


Regards the flickering-bug occuring at some FHD-modded T420/T430.

Tommy proposed Javi-Jie, that some of our smart electronic engineers/hobby electronic engineers could get their platinas delievered, so that you all can debug together.

Now we are looking for users from the collective order with a high understanding regarding circuits, electronic engineering and especially electromagnetic shielding!
Don't forget: The bug is not specific to individual modding-boards but to individual Thinkpad-devices, so if you've got more than one T420/T430 it would be a great benefit for testing purposes!

If you think, you are the one, please write a short application in this thread and tell us, why YOU are the one, who can help debugging these boards!

Oh, and please keep this thread english to simplify our international communication. ;)
I didn't take part in the collective order - however, I could have a look on the circuit layout together with two friends of mine who study/work in atomic and nuclear physics and have a lot to do with complex electronics. Together, we three just finished constructing a device for use in molecular biology and successfully eliminated shielding issues. :thumbsup: However, this would be limited to debugging the circuit layout - I can't actually test the board as I don't have a T420/T430 without "s" and another FHD panel.
If anyone has sufficient knowledge about electronics etc. I still have one last "buggy" kit from the first batch, just in case anyone can help out :)
Hello, I can not test with a 420 as I have upgraded to 420s, but I can offer to take a look at schematics and board.
Hello guys. I purchsed an T420 nons/kit. As an Fachinformatiker (IT, Electronics and Networking Specialist) i would like to work together with our heroes on Debugging of T4x0/Non-s-kit.
I have a lot of experience with electronics, some of you know me from this forum.
I would test the kit on my T420 Intel Model and try different solutions for fixing the flickering-bugs.
Different T420 Parts, different CPUs, Power-Supply, motherboards i also have here.
A little push!

So far there is only little feedback:

explit could actually test the kit (maybe someone could lend him a nVidia-mainboard for testing purposes!?)

sofamensch & iYassin could at least have a look at the circuit diagram to see if there is room for shielding improvements.

Did I get this right so far?
diablo666 will send an Nvidia Display to me for Debugging.
@Koile, @RMSMajestic: Do you guys need something from me (Postal adres etc.) for sending the testing kits?
I havent received any further information I could check for debugging the problem. I have a 500 MHz scope at hand with differential probes but no non-s laptop.
any news so far?
From anyone? Did anything happen!?
Aktion debugging ist auf Eis gelegt... Thread kann entpinnt werden
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